Before you decide on an llc name, you should conduct a thorough search of the Wyoming business registry. Wyoming is extremely strict about the requirements of a LLC name’s uniqueness, and a good business attorney can clarify these matters. If your proposed LLC name is rejected, you will have to pay a $100 filing fee and choose a different one. During the search process, you should note down the information of any business that you find. Once you’re satisfied with the results, you should contact a Wyoming business attorney for advice.
Wyoming LLC Name Search
Creating an assumed name
If you are looking to incorporate in Wyoming and want to use a different name, you can register your llc under a DBA (doing business as) name. This type of name is also called an assumed name or fictitious business name. If you’re not located in the state, you can create an assumed name by filing an Application for Registration of Trade Name with the Secretary of State.
Creating an assumed name is similar to “doing business as” but has additional requirements. The DBA or “doing business as” name is registered with the Secretary of State of Wyoming. Once you’ve registered your name, you need to verify whether it’s available in the State’s business registry. The application process is similar to that of forming a new company. Nevertheless, you should avoid the use of words related to banking or insurance in your name.
Using an assumed name for your Wyoming llc will ensure that it doesn’t get confused with other businesses. While a DBA is a form of legal name, it’s still important to have a separate legal name for your business. This way, your customers will be more likely to trust your business if they are a client of yours. However, it is possible to get away without a DBA if you have other business names registered.
A DBA name is not required in Wyoming, but many businesses find it beneficial to create one. A DBA name will allow your LLC to use its working name and operating name without adding the word “LLC” to it. You can even create different trade names for different lines of business by using the DBA name. This way, you can easily avoid confusion and keep your business name separate. And remember to keep in mind that a DBA will be recognized in Wyoming and will not invalidate an existing trademark.
Choosing a name that complies with Wyoming naming requirements
Whether you’re forming a new LLC or Corporation, Wyoming’s naming requirements are specific. You’ll need a name that matches the type of entity you’re forming, and the one you choose must be distinct and not too similar to an existing company. Use the Secretary of State’s convenient search tool to determine whether or not a name is available. Getting a business name registered in Wyoming is simple and fast.
If you’re forming a C corporation, Wyoming’s naming requirements are more complex, including making sure your chosen name doesn’t suggest a business with the same name. Names in Wyoming can’t suggest an educational organization, for example, so make sure you don’t imply a purpose that might be prohibited. Additionally, Wyoming’s Department of Education requires the company name to be distinct enough from other businesses in the state.
Searching for a name that is not deceptively similar to another business’ on file
If you have an idea for a new wyoming llc, you’ll want to search for a wyoming llc name that’s not deceptively similar to another one on file. Wyoming’s name database ignores “filler” words, such as apostrophes, periods, hyphens, and punctuation, and only compares distinguishable words and characters. If you’re planning to register a new LLC in Wyoming, you should consult the state’s Department of Education and Division of Banking before registering a name.
While this may seem complicated, it’s important to understand Wyoming’s naming rules. If you don’t know the rules for wyoming llc names, you could end up wasting valuable time and money, only to be told that your chosen name is deceptively similar to a business already on file. Worse yet, you might end up getting sued because you didn’t know that another business had the same name as yours.
You can use a free naming search from CorpNet. A wyoming llc name search will reveal if your chosen name is available in your state or not. You can also check if a name is trademarked and protected in other states by using the United States Patent and Trademark Office. While you can make the decision based on the information you receive from the trademark search, it’s important to be patient and follow the naming process carefully.
Before incorporating a wyoming llc, check if your chosen name is available for registration. A unique Wyoming LLC name is the best way to distinguish yourself from the competition. If you don’t find any Wyoming LLC names that are deceptively similar to another business’s name, you can consider incorporating under the same name. You can even go as far as to file a DBA as long as the name isn’t deceptively similar to another business’s name.
If you’re searching for a wyoming llc name that’s not deceptively similar to another business’s name on file, be sure to check the spelling and grammar of the wording of your chosen business. Wyoming has a strict policy regarding business names, and a name that is identical to a registered LLC should be free of any deceptive words or phrases.
When searching for a Wyoming LLC name, you should be sure to search for other businesses’ names on file in the state. If a business already exists with a similar name, it’s unlikely to be unique. A better option is to register a DBA under a different name, which is known as fictitious name registration.